Dec 18, 2014

College Christmas Dinner

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The Annual St. Stanislaus College Christmas Dinner was held on December 13, 2014 at the OMG Restaurant and Bar on Sheriff Street, Campbellville.  It was sponsored by the Board, PTA, Staff Association and members of the Toronto Alumni Association. Representatives of the Board and PTA including the Chairmen joined senior, junior and support staff of the College at Dinner. The Headmistress took the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a fruitful New Year. She also spoke of the enhanced discipline policy for students adumbrated by the Administration and School Board with support from teachers and parents. According to the Headmistress, the policy will take effect at the start of the Easter Term beginning January 05, 2015.
Displaying 20141213_211745-qpr.jpgThe Chairman of the Board and PTA both expressed season’s greetings to the staff and all others. Ms Vanda Wayne (GSM) addressed the gathering on behalf of her colleagues and said that the entire staff appreciates the efforts of the Board staff, and PTA in making work life at Saints very comfortable for all. She further alluded to the issue of student discipline at Saints and remarked that the entire staff will work to have positive improvement in student discipline which ultimately brings about better results for the College.
Displaying 20141213_200914-qpr.jpgAll present had a sumptuous Dinner after which staff received their Xmas envelopes, compliments of the Toronto Alumni.
The staff of SSC join in saying a big Thank You to all and looks forward to your continued support.

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