Congratulations to Glinton Hanover, a former student of Saint Stanislaus College (2006-2011), who now attends QC and is the winner of an $80,000 (CAN) scholarship to pursue the Internationale Baccalaureate program at Lester B. Pearson College, Victoria, B.C.

He attended Saints from Sept. 2006 (after writing the NGSE) to 2011. His results after writing the CSEC in 2011 are as follows: Eng.A -11, Phys.- 1, Chem.- 1, Bio.- 1, PE 1, Human Bio.- 1, Geo.- 11, IT- 11. In 2010, he wrote Maths at CSEC and obtained a grade 1.
As a student of Weld House, he successfully participated in Inter- House Sports and represented Saints at the Inter-Zone level. His athletic record is outstanding: he placed first at under 12 and 14, 100m and 200m track events. He placed 1st at Inter School 100m, under 12, thus qualifying for the Zone level. He placed 2nd at Inter House and Schools long jump. Glinton was also a prefect and the top student for SSC at the Physical Education and Sport CSEC Exam.
In the photo, he is seen being congratulated by the Canadian High Commissioner, David Devine.

Lester B. Pearson College is a member of the United World Colleges or UWCs. UWCs are an association of twelve international boarding campuses situated all over the world. Established in the 1960s in Britain, the schools bring together students from more than a hundred countries to study for two years together in a culture of international understanding, academic excellence and community service. Besides pursuing the demanding International Baccalaureate diploma, a high school certificate accepted in most countries and respected by the world’s most elite universities, students engage in regular service sessions and numerous extracurricular activities. Students are admitted to UWCs through a network of more than 130 national committees operating all over the globe. As UWCs are committed to providing scholarships for their students, admission in most countries is very competitive, with more than a hundred students applying for one scholarship in some countries. After graduation, UWC alumni have doors open to the world’s best universities, with high numbers accepted every year to Ivy League schools, including Harvard, Princeton and Dartmouth, as well as to Oxford and Cambridge in Britain.
Glinton met the following criteria:
- A citizen of Guyana with permanent residency in Guyana
- A student of any High School in Guyana with one year left of high school before graduating at the time of applying
- No less than 16 years of age and no more than 19 years of age at the time of enrolling at UWC (September 2012)
-GPA for the last transcript on the top 15% of the class
- Commitment to the UWC ideals of international understanding, community service and academic excellence.
The scholarship covers tuition, accomodation, food, books, and in special circumstances may cover the cost of the airfare to and from Canada.