Saints organises Presentation on Cultural Diversity
St. Stanislaus College was recently responsible for organising a presentation to several High School students on "Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development" by Dr. Vashti Singh, Asst. Professor - University of Trinidad and Tobago, and Chair of the Social and Human Sciences Sector of the National Commission for UNESCO (T&T).
Students were invited from Queen's College, Bishop's, St. Rose's, Central High School, Brickdam Secondary School, and St. Joseph's High. Together with our own students, there was an audience of two hundred (200).
Dr. Singh introduced UNESCO and its goals, examining the theme of culture more closely. Cultural acceptance not only has to be promoted, but cultural diversity has to be maintained and cultural heritage protected. On May 21st each year, UNESCO celebrates the World Day for Cultural
Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the goal of which is the provide people across the globe with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of what cultural diversity means in their everyday lives and its interconnectedness with dialogue and development.
In the Caribbean context, she referred to the work of the late Prof. Rex Nettleford who pointed out that culture in its broadest sense involves the educational system. As an expression of creative intellect and creative imagination, the system requires greater focussed attention on dialogue for the building of bridges in the development process.
To this end, inter-cultural dialogue must be fostered if change is to occur. The particular role of youth is to build a world community of people committed to support diversity with real and everyday life gestures at home, school, and the wider society. She ended her presentation by quoting from several world figures who all emphasized the importance of developing a culture of peace.
Thanks to Ms. Melissa Glen (teacher), Mr. Vibert Hart (Admin Officer), the Administration and the Board of the College whose efforts made the presentation possible.