Jul 10, 2012

Rock Art of the Sahara

Many people have difficulty understanding that the Sahara was once green and not the perceived ethno-cultural barrier that separates North Africa from the lands south of the Sahara. It bears repetition that all the languages spoken by the indigenous populations on the African continent are authentically African languages, whether Berber (Amazigh), Hausa or as in the past, Ancient Egyptian. The research now indicates that the Semitic languages spoken in Ethiopia (Amharic,Tigrinya etc. related to both Hebrew and Arabic) are also native to Africa and not the result of conquest from the Arabian peninsula. With desertification of the Sahara, six thousand years ago, some populations moved towards the Nile Valley and laid the foundations of Ancient Egypt. Egypt was NOT an extension of Mesopotamia.
There is no reason to believe that so-called sub-Saharan Africans did not inhabit ALL of Africa. After all, they populated the whole world. Rock paintings help to tell the tale.
San People
South Africa

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